
Lauren Holman – intelligent, spunky, kind, and a bit judgmental.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles County, where my family has lived for two generations. I’m the eighth of nine kids, with 5 brothers and 3 sisters. I could spend a whole essay or epic poem gushing about my amazing family, but I won’t. Suffice it to say, my childhood was full of teasing, fighting, and (most importantly) love.

I always enjoyed being the center of attention, which is what drove me to audition for my first show at 10 years old. I was cast, and thus began my love affair with the performing arts. I auditioned for every school play, was cast in most of them, and even branched out a little into community theatre. I began to notice I never got cast in the role I wanted to play, but was always cast in the role no one else could do. Directors would look at me and think, “What a cute little princess,” but then I would open my mouth and they discovered I was quirky, outspoken, and even a little aggressive.

When it came time for college, my dad had convinced me to try studying theater through a more practical lens, like teaching, but very soon into my studies, I knew it was all wrong. I quickly changed my major to Theatre Performance and Directing, which allowed me to spend more time on things like text analysis and character development.

I took some time off in the middle of my studies to serve as a missionary for 18 months in Guatemala, which changed my life. I was more independent than I had ever been and I learned to speak Spanish fluently. I also discovered a love for new cultures, and my experiences helped broaden my understanding of the world and what is possible for me to accomplish.

I returned home, finished my undergrad, then right away began my graduate program pursuing an MFA in Acting for Film and Television. I trained with students of Stella Adler, Uta Hagen, Sandy Meisner, Bobby Lewis, and more. It was the best thing I could have done to hone my craft, and it also exposed me to the possibilities open to actors who can write material for themselves. Most importantly, the school didn’t shove me into a mold, but helped me discover my own unique artistic voice which has fueled my love of the arts today.

Now, here I am, still perfecting my craft and developing new skills to make me better at what I do. I enjoy hiking, horseback riding, HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), baseball, yoga, and studying Medieval Warfare. I have my own projects I am writing for myself and am working on those produced and directed by others. In addition, I work for a youth theater group directing their shows, mostly musicals, and teaching classes on acting for the camera, as well as bookkeeping and managing the office. For more information about my resume, please visit the resume tab above.

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